It is OK

On 15/05/2012 by kweide

Now it is okay. The samurai´s wife cleaned the house. She removed all the blood from the ground, from the walls, renewed destroyed paperdoors and decorated the rooms totaly new. Nothing should tell him the bloody slaughter story. Even her tanto was resharpened and all marks of blood or marks from other blades were 100% removed. Nothing, really nothing, no detail will ever tell him what had happened, what his wife did to thoes men who so savagely attacked her in their house. Even the bodies were carefully disposed.

So she sits on her bed, waiting for her husband to enter the room. She is ready for him, smiling but armed as ever. Ready to embrace him with her arms, those deadly arms, but now giving love to the man she loves…

Details: Olympus E-P3, ISO200, Zuiko 45, f2.0, 1/80 second, no flash used, no reflector either.

One Response to “It is OK”

  • Eine wunderschöne Frau. Ihr sprüht die Erotik aus den Augen und ihr Haar, die Art wie sie es trägt raubt mir die Sinne. Kaum zu glauben, dass sie als Samuraifrau ein so tödlicher Wirbelwind sein kann…

    Carlo Timmermann

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