suddenly Daidiri
I do not know how she made it, i really have no idea. But suddenly, out of the nothing, she stood right in front of me in my house, smiling. She caught me in her bright large eyes, said something in her language i did not understand and switched to mine, while walking straight to the set. While taking the Tanto and posing with it she said: “Now i, Princess Daidiri, i am your galactic warrior wife, your outer space wife ( she smiled again ) with an earth based photographer”. She smiled again. I took some pictures and she was so nervous, watching my digital workflow and what i am doing. When she saw the final picture she took it, smiled, put some strange thing on my desk and vanished in a second. No idea how she did it …
Olympus E-P3, M.Zuiko 45 mm, F1.8, ISO 200, 1/80 second, again no flash used. Just a little artwork !