Inexpensive model

On 26/05/2012 by kweide

It is hard for you finding a model that fits ??? They want money ?? Too much money ?? You cant afford that ?? You donĀ“t even want to pay an amateur ? Yes, your are OK ! I feel the same very often. But ever thought taking animals ?? Your pet, your cat, your dog, your rabbit, mouse, rat, what ever you own ?? They cost nothing, nada, niente and the will work as long as you want. Just follow some guidelines:

1. Honor their work with FOOD
2. Give them a fenced room to move
3. Do not flash into their eyes
4. Put a piece of their most beloved food on your head ! This will attract their view to you and your cam
5. switch to M and set the cam for higher shutterspeed. Ask you manual for that


Than go on an shooting , not only one picture but use your cam in the machine-gunning mode. Animals will move and due to the food on your head the want it, so they will come close to YOU. Be fast and your keeper ratio will be high.
Olympus E-M5, Zuiko 45, F5, 1/100 second, ISO 250, no flash used

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