The needle

On 13/06/2012 by kweide

Go for details, is one of my often used approaches in shootings to establish an emotional layer with my subject. It is fun and it breaks the ice. You will get laughter and astonished looking model, while you are on the search for some good looking details. But that is all about it. When you concentrate and focus on one detail you will see your subject is focussing as well on this little detail, trying to show it from its best side. A session within a session. This is exciting ! New situations will derive from such “mini-sessions” giving new inspirations to both of you.

The only thing you have to do is to look ! Just open your view and detect details while working on the complete scene.
In this case, she was the initial factor. Always trying to fix that needles in her hair, preventing them from falling to the ground. “Pling” it made and it was again on the ground. So we made it the center of a mini-shoot and got a lot of new ideas for the planned shooting. Altering the flow with that new ideas. And got new ideas for an alternative shooting based on that tiny needle…

All done with Olympus E-M5, Summilux 25, f1.4 ISO250, 1/160 second and one remote triggered flash with 1/32 power and bounced !!!

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