Part of …

On 14/11/2012 by kweide

A standard portrait session was planned, so i arrived with the small photobag. Just the OM-D, the 25 mm Summilux, a lightstand, the small Octabox and a Metz flash. After the job was done, she stood up and said: “And now to the fun stuff”. That said she stood in front of her wardrobe tearing out several colorful semitransparent veils and wrapped herfelf with them. ” Now do some religious, aerial looking spherical pics” Well, what could i say, what could i do ? Klick, Klick, Klick and a bit of post processing…
So always be prepared for the surprise, for the unexpected. Be ready to change the set within a second, following your model, adapting yourself to the new situation. That´s all about

Olympus E-M5, Summilux 25 mm @ f3.5, ISO 200, 1/160 second, one single flash gun from within a small octagon sofbox

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