Another visit

On 06/03/2013 by kweide

She, my sexy neighbor Mrs. Robinson, asked me to join her for another excursion into the darkness of her ancient cellar. I agreed in a second and took a strong torch with me. I entered her house and we both went into the dark. We could see, that this cellar was indeed ancient. It was more cave cut out of the stone and the house built upon. Several caves and dark holes in the walls, not easy to look even with the strong torch. We needed more light. We i turned to her, the light went across the rough wall and in the light we found another painting:


WOW, her relative must have been a beauty and a sexy one as well, knowing how to play with man. It looks like she sat here in the cellar in the corner for her artist :) nude, smiling at him. Poor boy. Having such tempting girl for hour just in front of him. But we do not know the story. We just have this paintings on the wall. We went upstairs and had a cup of tea. Still waiting for the experts from the local Gallery.

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