Paint with light

On 25/03/2013 by kweide

Last weekend i had the wonderful chance to join a workshop with Olympus on Zingst. It was a very special event. One of the kind you will never forget. Beside the fact, that the weather condition was very very special, cold cold cold, lots of snow, icy streets, i saw a beautiful landscape, met fantastic people and joined an exciting workshop with Klaus Bossemeyer. Painting with light. It is easy to do. You need some LEDs, Batteries or small torches, colored gels to modify the torchelight and a camera with a stable tripod ! We used Olympus cams E-M5 from the OM-D series exclusivly. The camera has a special item called “Livetime/Livebulb” which actualize in given intervalls, which can be modified,  the exposure on the cameras screen. So you have fully control over the longtime exposure while you play, you paint the scenery with light. Man, thats a cool feature. See one example


Olympus E-5, M. Zuiko 60 Macro, 30 seconds, f4, ISO200, Livetime intevall set to 1 Second

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