
On 13/11/2011 by kweide

Last night he built up his camera configuration to catch the moon again. But what a shame, it was not possible to see the moon. Many reasons for that. One of it was CLOUDS.  Big fat grey clouds closed the sky so no light came thru, no blinking stars and no bright moon visible. I see what is in your mind… :) But the neighbor was again activ. Watching her from the window it looked like she trained for a model job, doing poses.

He was lucky and bold enough to catch again one scene with her. Boy that looked as if she could see him, as if she did this pose just for him. Teasing him…. Did she see him ??

For sure she did ! In real life she was just a few centimeters away. And she played her storyboard very good ! We had fun fun fun and laughed a lot. You want some details again ? No problem.

Olympus E-5 + Sigma 50 mm, f2, ISO 200, 1/80 second. One single hotshoe flash fired and bounced to my left against the window to get diffused “window light” on her face. No tricks just standards.

Just as further information: I did the moon as well. See this small picture as a proof.

Details for this shoot: Olympus E-5, ISO. Zuiko 50-200SWD, EC14, ISO100, f5.6, 1/125 second, spot metering, IS on, no tripod

2 Responses to “Searching”

  • I wish i could have such a model as well. She did a wonderful job i must say ! And you as well. I do think it is not so easy to get such impressive pictures. You made it so easy in your stories that a believe i can do that with my little IXUS as well. Okay, i tested it and it came out better than ever. But there are differences to your style. I think it is the light :) Or the model :) ???
    Thanx for giving me a way i can follow.


  • Oh, just forgot to tell, i did my very first moon picture according to your settings. Okay due to my limitated focal length is is a small moon only, but for the first time it is sharp and well exposured !


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