Desert queen

On 09/11/2011 by kweide

Last night he had weird dreams. We know why :) . This situation at the copy machine was perhaps too much for him. When he felt asleep she came over him in his dreams. The beauty of the desert. The rough, dry and dangerous beauty. The Desert Queen.


Mrs. Robinson was again all over him, looking at him and with no spoken word he could read, no, SHE was in his mind, asking him to come with her, over the sandy dunes into the wide open space of the desert. The hot desert wind blowing into her face, opening her silky veil a bit, giving him the promise to fulfill his dreams… What a thrill. When he woke up he could smell her, her taste was on his tounge on his lips. What a dream…

You see, another fiction story which spice up the picture, gives an atmospheric impression. So please embed your pictures always into a sweet nice story. The picture itself was done with: E-P3, Summilux 25, f4, ISO200, 1/100 second and one single hot shoeflash. The dunes are a single layer over the models picture where the layer mask put her to the front. As said before: Use Photoshop or The Gimp or your favorite software which handles layer. Easy going and fast to do. Have fun.

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