Cover girl

On 17/11/2011 by kweide

Life and work is hard enough. From sides you get some urgent input to this or that and on nearly all demands are some deadlines connected. In the end you are jumping from one deadline to another always trying your very best to fulfill commitments or demands. And what is about you and your demands ? What is about fun and joy of work ?? Left behind you ! Don´t move back, it is not possible yet. But stop running and start thinking about what you are doing and WHY ?? Is it for you and your model ?? Is it good for you, good for your needs ? Does it help you to develop  your skills ? NO ?? So, why do you do it then ? Take a breath, think. Back to fun ! Back to emotions, enchant your direkt contacts with surprising things they never thought about.  Make them smile ! But first YOU are the one to smile and the world will smile back. Try it and you can feel fun, light and joy will come back as one giant inspiration to you. Make your model the cover page of a fictive newspaper, send it, print it.

The above cover was 5 minutes work. But the smile and positive response was worth it 1000 x . Sit back and think. What is your message to make YOU happy. Keep in mind: You are happy and your model your contacts will be happy too and feel very comfortable working together with you ! That is again the emotional layer.

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