Snip snap

On 19/11/2011 by kweide

Another one from my tools series. Let it work ! And hear into yourself. What is your first feeling, your first emotion ??? Umpf, no my dear, no play today….. so was mine ! And i checked carefully whether all parts of me were still in position :)

Bang. That was the intention. And we put several things together: love, feeling, erotic, female attraction. Combined it with a short story speaking by itself ( see the side cutter ), the tool and a bit of dark humor. She will cut you, cut away some things… no she is not the sister of Hannibal Lecter :) It is just fun. And we had fun. Based on trust we created this little One-Picture-Story. For YOU, that YOU have fun.

Details: Olympus E-5 + Zuiko 50-200SWD, ISO200, 1/25 second, f4, 76 mm focal length and only one hotshoe strobe bounced over my shoulder into a white reflector with a Zebra structure. No further tricks. You can easily do it at home too.

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