Hugh Hefner sent me …

On 20/11/2011 by kweide

Today he decided to be brave. To be the ultra bold one. He took his camera equipment, all he had, put it around his neck, around his hips, into a big bag and the rest into one big rucksack. His only intention was, to look like a famous photographer from “Playboy”. Something was missing …. Yes, he put on his very old, washed out basecap and clicked his selfmade press identity card onto his T-Shirt. One quick controllview into his mirror: “Yes, i am the Playboy photographer” he said and step straight out of the door. SHE was his goal. Mrs. Robinson was all about in his thirsty mind. And his plan was good… thats what he thought.
He knocked against her door and she opened up the door. “Hi, my dear, are you Mrs. Robinson ?” he asked. “Yes, for sure” she answered and she discovered her nasty little neighbour with his basecap pulled into his face but decided to play the game with him. “Well, ahem, Mister Hefner sent me, you know , Mr. Heffner, the owner of Playboy magazine ..” “Oh, yes i know Hugh well..we know each other from school” was her polite answer. “And what does he want from me ??” He was so engaged in his role, that he did not recognize anything from his surrounding…. “Well, he asked me to take some pictures of you, topless, you understand ?” In the next moment he saw her undressing and lying on the sofa. “Is this OKAY for you?”, she asked him. His throat went instantly dry but bold enough he pulled his camera in “P” mode and did the shots.

“Sweetheart, we are ready now for the action!” came to his ears. What a surprise for our little nasty friend. “You can come around now. Light is already set, the makeup artist is waiting for you !”
Mrs. Robinson smiled, went up quickly and said: “Okay boys, that is so kind of Hugh that he sent us another photographer from his staff to us to make the Playmate of the month picture !” Our little friend understood in a second, went red and decided to jump thru the open window…..When he found himself lying in a big cactus he could hear her laugh ! “But i have a topless picture !” he thought pulled out the cam and found it broken, smashed into pieces like his gear. Everything destroyed, only the SD card was OK. So one picture of her was his pay. Good enough for him ….

“Playmate” was the short storyboard for this shooting. She did it beautiful. Me on a ladder from above. Go thru your planning. Find just themes and write them down. Do not waste any thought about HOW to do the themes. Just write them down. Within a minute or so you will have twenty or more shooting themes to choose from. Read them loudly, laugh about it and write down what SHE says first to the named themes. Thats the storyboard you can develop now.

Olympus E-5, ISO400, 12-60 SWD, F5.0 and the famous hotshoe flash bound over my left should into one white reflector …

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