The light, how to

On 31/12/2011 by kweide

How to set up the light ? How can i achieve such light as shown in your pictures ? A question i often got from you. Well it is so easy as i already wrote it. Bounce it ! Here is a simple example you can follow at home:

Her highness was placed sideways to the window. But the day was against us. The light was simply not present. A dull day, gray, haze, no sun. So i got no touch from the window. I placed a white reflector ( i use it quite often ) at the window, angled and a flash ( Metz 58 AF-2 ) to directly flash into the reflector from there against the glass of the window  and diffused by the window veils… here the setup picture:

And it worked ! See the light on her right side of her face . What do you say ? It is easy, really ! Camera setting ? Here they are: Olympus E-5, Zuiko 50-200SWD, f2.9, ISO 250, 55 mm focal length. No tricks at all !

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