Pitch black

On 10/11/2011 by kweide

A hard working day was over and our hero and Mrs. Robinson lover went home. Aching hands, aching head and some other delicate parts of his body aching too. It was not his day. Sitting in his room he looked into the dark night, re-thinking what had happend with him today. Was it his fault ?? Or was it the bad plan of Mrs. Robinson ?? He was honest with himself. It was himself. So he looked again thru his window watching the pitch black windows of Mrs. Robinsons house. He looked thru the finder of his camera, still mounted on the tripod but he could not see anything but felt something moved …. He took his Steiner 8×56 Hunting and took a look. Wow….. the scene was mystic … No colors, black and white, pitch black thru the night, the Steiner is awesome, he got excited. The day seemed to turn to the better side.

She was there and she looked at him, as if she knew he was there. The Steiner at his eyes he moved a bit closer, should not have done that…. the chair he was sitting on broke and he and his Steiner crashed down onto the hard ground. The Steiner broke into pieces and he got a deep bleeding cut in his forehead. As said before: It was not his day !

To give this picture the wanted style a bit of film like noise is a must. You can add it in post processing, ramp up the ISO in your cam with NO noise filtering ( no good idea ) or simply underexpose 4 – 7 stops and pull it back in post processing. This will give you wonderful noise effects. DonĀ“t forget to desaturate the picture. B&W looks best with such pictures. Try it, you will see how easy it is to get special effects.

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