Sleeping Queen
“Silent, be quiet… she is sleeping ! You may just have ONE try, only 1 shot, so do it exactly. The shutternoise will wake her up. So compose exactly. You know what i mean!”
His words in mind he took exactly one shot of his Mrs. Robinson. And she did not move a bit. Her sleep must be very deep. Silent and slow, as they came in, they left her home, grinning, having one fantastic shot she did not know anything about…
But he could not resist. Standing in the door her turned again to her, with his telelens mounted he saw her breast , could see how breathing moved her womans pride softly up and down… klick
She did not notice them, had some sweet dreams.
All done with: Olympus E-P3, Zuiko 45 mm, f1.8 ISO400, 1/30 second. So be radical. Develop with massiv b&w contrast even embrace and welcome the grain from noise, add mor grain and emphasize it thru sharpening. Enjoy ART !