She knows

On 11/11/2011 by kweide

She reads the cards and she reads your mind. You can not hide a thing, not a thought, not an idea. She knows it in the moment you think it.

You have to learn to deal with that, to use it. Without fear. No prejudices please. Be part of the future and see what will happen. She thinks on your future she already had seen, whether it is good for you to know or not.

She is used to keep secrets as well. It is part of her special capabillity. And she hides and protect herself , her own clean aura.

And from time to time she even gives you YOUR scorecard of life directly into your hands. Without hesitation but with a sweet smile and she knows you can not live with that but you have to accept and she will be with you from now on.

So what did i try to tell YOU ?? To book a Tarot card reader ?? Why not, do so and make a special experience.  Think in series. Do not make only one picture of a scene but try to show a complete scene in a serie. That means you have to keep an eye on your post processing. All pictures should have a similar appearance. And yes, you need a story. But you know this already from earlier post. Your storyboard can be made visible. Do so.

Again easy setup. Olympus E-5, Zuiko 12-60SWD, ISO640, f3.2, 1/125 second and one single hot shoe flash bounced left behind me into the white wall. Easy as i said.

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