She is unstoppable …
Even in the steamy hot and wet bathroom she did her bloody work, fast, precise, cut after cut. Her green eyes glowing thru the steam until she is safe again and there is no sign of life showing up in her enemies.
And after everything is completed she looked around, watching the bloody scene and she started to do what every girl is doing when the rooms are somehow dirty: Clean up that bloody mess before her husband will return !
And when he returns he will find a wonderful looking, handsome woman, purring like a cat…and he will be a very happy man !
So what … ?
All pictures were shot with: Olympus E-P3, ISO200, Zuiko 45 mm , f1.8, 1/60 second and again no additional flash light used !!
the first made me shiver but the last knocked me down to my knees ……
The larger version took away my breath