The payback

On 18/11/2011 by kweide

The payback was instantly at the shelter in the garden. We trained for “Sleeping Beauty” and it was again, fun, fun, fun and tons of fun. From overall to princess wardrobe. from blue cotton to white lace. What a change and what a story… See downunder picture to imagine what happend.

I have no idea when we will realize the new storyboard but one thing is for sure. It will be really hard work :) and a fantastic story. I hope i get a release to publish pictures to you.


Technical Data: Olympus E-5, Zuiko 12-60, ISO200, 1/80 second, f5, hotshoe flash bounced against a white reflector 2 Meters in front of her on her right side. Again it is easy and simple setup.

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